Feng Shui is an ancient art believed to have originated 3,000 years ago in China.  Did you know that you can easily use the principles of Feng (wind)  Shui (water)to let positive energy flow freely into your kitchen remodel? Its simple.

  1. Light: Make your kitchen warm and inviting by allowing lots of natural light in. If your kitchen lacks sufficient windows, adding a skylight is a great way to let in natural light and the costs to install are generally low enough to make it worthwhile.
  2. Color: Spice up your kitchen color palette! Yellow, red, orange and pale greens are said to aid digestion and green is also related to drawing forth wealth and success. Check out all the beautiful colors and tones of kitchen cabinets available.
  3. Cabinets: Clutter creates negative energy, which is why decluttering is one of the key elements of feng shui to apply to your entire home. Bare counters provide your with plenty of room to spread out and prepare food. Having custom designed kitchen cabinets is key to allowing you to free up that very important surface space.
  4. Organization: The old saying “out of sight, out of mind” is quaint, but not accurate. Hidden clutter counts, too! If your cabinets are unorganized and stuffed with gadgets, decluttering in there will also improve your feng shui by freeing your creativity and helping to clear emotions. Imagining opening each door to order.
  5. Plants: Take advantage of all the natural light you will make sure your kitchen has by adding some green plants. Plants are natural air filters! They covert carbon dioxide to oxygen and help clean and freshen the air. They even help balance the humidity. If find the brisk smell of herbs such as rosemary, basil, mint and lavender especially nice.
  6. Flowers and Fruit: Fresh cut flowers on the table has long been a tradition, and as it turns out that’s not just for the color and decorative factor!  Feng  Shui principles believe they draw positive energy into a room and bring luck into your home. Bowls of colorful real fruit can be used in a similar way. You might want to avoid dry (dead) flowers though, as they lack positive life energy.
  7. Drains and Faucets: Pretty drain covers or sink strainers can add a splash of color and also help add to your positive feng shui. Drains are said to drain your finances, health, dreams and more. Beware of leaky faucets as  they indicate wastefulness (and can also add to your water bill!)
  8. Refrigerator Magnets?: Ok, so we all agree that the fridge is a great place to display things. But as in other places, avoiding clutter is a key. Use one or two items, a child’s drawing to honor their artistic endeavor or an uplifting picture in memory of your recent vacation. These treasures create a mood of reflection and joy, while a clutter of magnets, coupons and other miscellany can create chaos and distraction. If you have lists or reminders that need to be at hand, try taping inside a closed cabinet door.
As you can see, many of these ideas involve only minor organization and  cost  very little to implement. Adding some elements of Feng Shui to your kitchen can be the beginning of an economical remodel! Speaking of economical kitchen remodels! Why not get a free kitchen cabinet estimate for your Southern California home.