Choose the right kitchen paint colors can be a time consuming and confusing process. With so many shades to choose from, which are the right colors for you?
Popular Kitchen Paint Colors
The most popular kitchen paint colors are white, gray, blue, red, yellow and green. Each hue brings something different to the kitchen, and helps to make your home a warm and welcoming place.A White Kitchen
Painting your kitchen white is a very popular choice, and for good reason. It feels fresh and clean and helps to wake you up. It's also a neutral backdrop for adding other colors, either with your countertops and backsplash, or with accessories. Think of cabinet doors with glass insets, and colorful dishes lit up with accent lighting.
A Gray Kitchen
Painting your kitchen gray is really trending. Grays can be either warm or cool. A warmer shade can work wonders in the kitchen and pairs beautifully with both white kitchen cabinets, or stained cabinets. It's a great base color that compliments countertops and backsplashes in an array of colors.
A Red Kitchen
Painting your kitchen red is said to stimulate the appetite. A red kitchen can really pop in the right shade. Balance out the vibrant color with neutral cabinets and countertops in white or natural colors.
A Blue Kitchen
Painting your kitchen blue can create a crisp, clean look when lighter shades are used. Used sparingly, and can invigorate your space. Dark blues can also work well when used as accent colors along with white, which will keep it from feeling too dark. Blue subway tile with white grout backsplash
A Yellow Kitchen
Painting your kitchen yellow is like inviting a ray of sunshine into your home. Yellow can instantly brighten up a room and create a calm and happy kitchen. In a smaller kitchen, it can help to make your room feel a little bigger. Yellow goes well with white accents.
A Green Kitchen
Painting your kitchen green is a smart choice. There are many shades that work really well with white and wood accents, including mint and apple green. Looking for a jolt of color? Add accents of emerald green to a neutral kitchen.
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